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Aantal resultaten: 6( DE:"lichamelijke oefening" )


The angel's playground : same-sex desires of physical education teachers  / Heather Sykes.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education, 1 (2003) 1, p. 3-31
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education jaargang: 1 (2003) 1 , p. 3-31
samenvatting: This article examines narratives about same-sex desires between teachers and students in physical education, based on the life histories of physical education teachers who described their sexual identities as "gay man," "lesbian," "bisexual," "queer" and racial identities as "White," "Bi-racial," "Latina" and " Armenian-American". Many teachers talked freely about desiring their teachers when they were students, yet rarely spoke about similar desires now that they had become teachers. The article uses the psychoanalytic concepts of transference and counter transference to explore these narratives about same-sex desire between teachers and students. Teachers' counter transference mechanisms involved disavowing, being aware of and validating students' same-sex transferences. [Copies are available from: Haworth Document Delivery Center. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA]

signatuur: ts.

The angel's playground : same-sex desires of physical education teachers
Heather Sykes.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education

Weight Loss and Related Behavior Changes Among Lesbians  / Sarah Fogel ... [et al.].

Journal of Homosexuality, 59 (2012) 5 (may/june), p. 689-702
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 59 (2012) 5 (may/june), p. 689-702
samenvatting: Overweight and obesity are known risk factors for several modifiable, if not preventable diseases. Growing evidence suggests that lesbians may have higher rates of obesity than other women. This study was designed to describe weight loss and behavior changes related to food choices and exercise habits among lesbians who participated in a predominantly lesbian, mainstream, commercial weight loss program. Behavioral changes were recorded in exercise, quality of food choices, and number of times dining out. Although there were several limitations based on sample size and heterogeneity, the impact of a lesbian-supportive environment for behavior change was upheld. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2012.673937#.VFdjAska73A ]

signatuur: ts.

Weight Loss and Related Behavior Changes Among Lesbians
Sarah Fogel ... [et al.].
Journal of Homosexuality

Barriers and facilitators of physical activity and sport participation among young transgender adults who are medically transitioning  / Bethany Alice Jones ...[et al.].

International Journal of Transgenderism, 18 (2017) 2 (apr-jun), p. 227-238
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 18 (2017) 2 (apr-jun), p. 227-238
samenvatting: Transgender people (those who feel incongruence between the gender they were assigned at birth and their gender identity) engage in lower levels of physical activity compared to cisgender (non-transgender) people. Several factors have been shown to affect physical activity engagement in the cisgender population; however, the physical activity experiences of young transgender adults have not been explored. It is therefore the aim of the current study to understand what factors are associated with physical activity and sport engagement in young transgender adults who are medically transitioning. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 young transgender adults (18-36 years) who had initiated their medical transition at a transgender health service in the United Kingdom. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: Two main themes were identified: (1) barriers and (2) facilitators to physical activity and sport. Overall, the young transgender adults were insufficiently active due to inadequate changing facilities, body dissatisfaction, fears surrounding 'passing' and not being accepted by others. At the same time, participants were motivated to engage in physical activity to increase their body satisfaction and gender congruence. However, participants felt there was a lack of safe and comfortable spaces to engage in physical activity and sport. Conclusion: Young transgender adults who are medically transitioning experience several barriers to physical activity and sport, despite being motivated to be physically active. Initiatives to facilitate young transgender adults' ability to put their motivations into practice (i.e. to be more physically active) are needed.

signatuur: ts.

Barriers and facilitators of physical activity and sport participation among young transgender adults who are medically transitioning
Bethany Alice Jones ...[et al.].
International Journal of Transgenderism

LGBTQ + and ally youths' school athletics perspectives: a mixed-method analysis  / Scott B. Greenspan ...[et al.].

Journal of LGBT Youth, 16 (2019) 4 (okt-dec), p. 403-434
bron: Journal of LGBT Youth jaargang: 16 (2019) 4 (okt-dec), p. 403-434
samenvatting: Authors employed a convergent mixed method study focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) youths' and allies' (ages 13-18; n = 71) experiences in school athletics (e.g., physical education, after-school sports). Participants reported that they feel unsafe in school athletic contexts due to experiences of discrimination from their peers and inaction from athletic staff. Participants discussed a proclivity toward individual sports as opposed to team sports and also preferred to engage in physical activity outside of the school context. Analyses of mean differences highlight the marginalization that LGBTQ + youth and allies experience. School-based implications and future research directions are discussed.

signatuur: ts.

LGBTQ + and ally youths' school athletics perspectives: a mixed-method analysis
Scott B. Greenspan ...[et al.].
Journal of LGBT Youth

'Ik kleedde me om op de gang'  / Tim van Erp.

Parool 04-01-2022
bron: Parool 04-01-2022
samenvatting: Er wordt geconstateerd dat er in de lhbtq-gemeenschap, niet alleen onder trans en non-binaire mensen, behoefte is aan een eigen sportschool. Amsterdam krijgt in 2022 een queer gym, een sportschool voor en door lhbtq's. Senn van Beek, werkzaam als personal trainer en voedingscoach, begon crowdfundingsactie Build That Gym om dat plan te doen slagen. Bij Pride and Sports, een landelijk platform dat zich inzet voor de zichtbaarheid, acceptatie en veiligheid van lhbtq-sporters, zijn ze enthousiast erover.

signatuur: full_text

knipsel (sport)

'Ik kleedde me om op de gang'
full_text knipsel (sport)
Tim van Erp.

'Niet meer alleen thuis' : Eerste lhbtq-gym van Amsterdam opent in Oost  / Tahrim Ramdjan.

Parool 29-07-2022
bron: Parool 29-07-2022
samenvatting: Aan de vooravond van Pride opent Amsterdams eerste queer gym in de Wagenaarstraat als een plek waar lhbtq+ mensen zich veilig en begrepen kunnen voelen.

signatuur: knipsel (sport)

'Niet meer alleen thuis' : Eerste lhbtq-gym van Amsterdam opent in Oost
knipsel (sport)
Tahrim Ramdjan.


( DE:"lichamelijke oefening" )

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